3. Write a letter to the editor of an English newspaper expressing your concern over the excessive use of Plastic Bags.

The Editor
The Telegraph
Kolkata - 700001

Subject: Banning of plastic carry bags.

Respected Sir,

              Through the columns of your esteemed daily I would like to express my deep concern over the excessive use of plastic bags.

                The recent flood in Kolkata due to water-logging caused by polythene or plastic bags has raised a hue and cry in the society. Plastic bags are undoubtedly a cheap and convenient medium of carrying almost all kinds of goods. But they are non-biodegradable. Hence, they are not at all eco-friendly. Moreover, the burning of these polythene articles emits noxious gases polluting the atmosphere. The toxic gas emitted is dangerous for children. We have to minimize the use of plastic bags and replace them by jute or paper bags. However, the use of plastic below 40 micron may be permissible. The Government should come forward to enforce strict laws regarding its prohibition.

           Therefore, I request you to create mass awareness through your editorial column.

                  Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,
N. Das
Dated: 14th May, 2020
Place: Hadipur