Parts of Speech

Parts of Speech

In a sentence words are divided into different classes or kinds because of their functions and usage. And it is described by the term of parts of speech.

Parts of speech help to understand the uses or functions words and how different words can make a meaningful sentence.

There are Eight types of parts of speech.

  1. Noun
  2. Pronoun
  3. Verb
  4. Adverb
  5. Adjective
  6. Preposition
  7. Conjunction
  8. Interjection
1. Noun:
Name of anything like person, animal, place, thing, abstract, idea, action, state or quality is called Noun.

যেকোন ব্যাক্তি, প্রাণী, বস্তু, ভাব, ভাবনা, কাজ, অবস্থান, দোষ-গুণ, ইত্যাদির নামকে Noun বলে।


Maria, Girl, Dhaka, Book, Teacher, Water, Honesty, Happiness, Family, Sleep, Death, etc.

In Sentence: (Bold words are noun)

- A boy is coming towards us.
- Sarah is a pretty girl.
- The sun shines in daytime.
- Education removes darkness.
- Poverty is curse.

Function of Noun:
Noun plays the role in a sentence as subject of a verb or object of a verb or both subject and object of a verb.

Classification of nouns:

Noun can be classified into five categories:
  1. Proper noun
  2. Common noun
  3. Collective noun
  4. Abstract noun
  5. Material noun
i. Proper Noun:

Proper noun is the name of some particular person, place or thing.


- Delhi is the capital of India. ( Delhi is the name of a particular capital)
- Sunny is a smart boy. ( Sunny is the name of a particular boy)
- Rimi is a clever girl. (Rimi is the name of a particular girl)

Proper noun always starts with capital letter.

ii. Common Noun:

Common noun is a noun that is not the name of a particular thing or class but that represents one or all of the members of that class or thing.
A common noun can be preceded by articles (a, the).

- Sunny is a smart boy. (Here boy is common noun while Sunny is a proper noun)
- Rimi is a clever girl. (Here girl is common noun while Rimi is a proper noun)

Examples without sentence:

- People: boy, girl, mother, father, baby, child, teacher, student, man, woman, etc.
- Things: book, table, computer, pen, pencil, etc.
- Animals: bird, dog, cat, cow, goat, wolf, tiger, etc.
- Place: city, country, state, capital, beach, forest, etc.

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Second, there are two types of common noun. These are countable nouns and uncountable nouns. It's really important to know if a noun is countable or uncountable, because it changes how we use it in a sentence.

Countable nouns are things which can be counted like 'table', 'apple' or 'boy'. They usually change their form when we make a plural (they often add an 's'), and can be used with either a singular or a plural verb: one book falls, two books fall.

On the other hand, uncountable nouns are usually things which can't easily be counted, like 'love', 'rice' or 'water'. Uncountable nouns do not make a plural or change their form, and they are always used with a singular verb. We can't say one rice, two rices.

However, sometimes there's not much logic to whether a noun is countable or uncountable. For example, 'work' is uncountable but 'job' is countable. 'Trip' is countable, but 'travel' is uncountable. 'Word' is countable, but 'vocabulary' is uncountable. Sometimes, a noun is even different in US English and UK English, like 'Lego' or 'accommodation' (both uncountable in the UK but countable in the US).

Here are some kinds of nouns that are often uncountable:

  • Abstract nouns (nouns that talk about ideas): love, happiness, peace, democracy.
  • Subjects from school or university: Maths, French, history.
  • Materials: metal, wood, plastic.
  • Liquids: water, coffee, milk.
  • Gases: air, oxygen, carbon dioxide.
  • Things that are made up of lots of small pieces: sand, rice, salt.
Here's a list of some uncountable nouns that we often use:
adviceCould you give me some advice?
dustThe old table was covered with dust.
electricityElectricity runs through this wire.
equipmentCould you give me a list of the equipment we need for the trip?
evidenceWhat evidence is there against John?
fogI could hardly see because of the thick fog.
funWe had a lot of fun at the party.
furnitureI really need to buy some new furniture for my new flat.
happinessHow can we increase our happiness?
helpThe teacher would like some help with moving the chairs.
homeworkHow much homework do you get?
informationCould you give me some information about things to do in London?
knowledgeHe has such a lot of knowledge about history.
luckI need a bit of luck!
luggagePlease put leave all your luggage at the hotel and we'll pick it up later.
moneyHow much money do you have in your purse?
newsThe news is good! John has passed the exam!
pastaI love pasta!
progressWe haven't made much progress on our project.
researchJulie is doing research in neuroscience.
snowThere's been a lot of snow this year.
spaghettiCould we have spaghetti with meatballs?
spinachShe likes spinach with garlic.
trafficWas there a lot of traffic in central London?
vocabularyVocabulary is very important in language learning.
workDo you have any work to do this weekend?

Words that can be both countable and uncountable

Many, many words can be used in both an uncountable way and a countable way. This is especially true of uncountable food and drink, such as 'coffee' or 'yogurt'. When we're talking in general about coffee or yogurt, the words are uncountable. But, we can use them in a countable way when we mean 'one cup of' or 'one pot of':

  • Uncountable: Coffee is my favourite drink.
  • Countable: Could you buy two coffees and two teas, please?
  • Uncountable: My children eat a lot of yogurt.
  • Countable: I bought a pack of six yogurts.
Other words that act like this include: water, juice, salad, curry and cake.

Another way that we use uncountable nouns in a countable way is when we use the word to mean 'a kind of' or 'a type of':

  • Uncountable: She loves cheese.
  • Countable: That shop sells lots of cheeses (=different kinds of cheese).
Other words that can be used in this way include jam, wood, plastic, bread, metal, fabric. There are a few words that change their meaning depending on if they used in a countable way or an uncountable way. For example:
HairCountable = one hair
Urg! There's a hair in my food!
Uncountable = all the hair on a person's head
She has very beautiful hair.
PaperCountable = a newspaper
I bought all the papers this morning.
Uncountable = paper in general
Could you give me some paper to write on?
LightCountable = a single lamp or light bulb
The Christmas tree was covered in lights.
Uncountable = light in general
The room was full of light.
ExperienceCountable = one event
I travelled to Thailand and it was a really great experience.
Uncountable = when you've done something for a long time
She has a lot of experience with children.

Nouns which are always plural

Some nouns are always used in a plural form and with a plural verb. You can't count them in the normal way. Sometimes you can use phrases like 'one pair of' or 'three pairs of' if you'd like to count them. Nouns like this are often clothes, or tools that have two parts. Here's a list of words that are always plural:

TrousersMy trousers are too long.
TightsI need to wear tights with this dress.
ShortsHe bought some blue shorts.
ScissorsThere are three pairs of scissors in the drawer.
TweezersCould you pass me those tweezers?
BinocularsShe gave me some binoculars.
Glasses (for seeing better)I've lost my glasses!
SunglassesMy sunglasses are in my bag.
ClothesShe put her clothes in the suitcase.
BelongingsWhose belongings are these?
CongratulationsMany congratulations!

iii. Collective Noun:

A collective noun is the name of a collection or number or group of things or persons taken together and considered of as one whole.

- The navy is ready for the voyage.
- Public was not aware of the incident.
- The proposal was approved by the cabinet.

Example without sentence:

Crowd, class, army, mob, gang, team, jury, family, herd, committee, audience, council, public, navy, cabinet, group, company, society, troupe, corporation, senate, faculty, board, etc.

iv. Material Noun:

A material noun is the name of material, substance or ingredient of something.
Such as iron, steel, copper, gold, coal, silver, milk, water, tea, sugar, wheat, etc.

- The necklace is made of gold.
- The cow gives us milk.
- Give me a cup of tea.

v. Abstract Noun:

An Abstract Noun is usually the name of a quality, action, state or concept.

Abstract nouns are the names of such things that can’t be touched, tested, smelt or heard.

Such as:
Quality- honesty, beauty, bravery, wisdom, heroism, stupidity, darkness, kindness, goodness, brightness, etc.
Action- Judgment, movement, laughter, hatred, theft, etc.
State- Childhood, boyhood, youth, death, poverty, slavery, sickness, sleep, etc.

The names of Arts and Science such as grammar, chemistry, physics, music, etc. are also abstract noun.

2. Pronoun:
A Pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun-equivalent. It is the replacement of noun.

Pronoun সাধারণত Noun বা Noun এর সমতুল্য কিছুর পরিবর্তে বসে। ইহা Noun কে প্রতিস্থাপন করে।

Common pronouns are I, me, he, she, him, his, her, they, them, it, we, us, etc.

- She is a pretty girl.
- His contribution is appreciable.
- They are unbeatable.
- This job is done by them.

Role of Pronoun in a Sentence: Pronouns are usually short words and they are used to make sentences less cluttered and less repetitive.

Kinds of Pronoun:

There are many different kinds of pronouns; such as:
  1. Personal Pronoun
  2. Possessive Pronoun
  3. Reflexive Pronoun
  4. Intensive Pronoun
  5. Indefinite Pronoun
  6. Demonstrative Pronoun
  7. Relative Pronoun
  8. Interrogative Pronoun
  9. Reciprocal Pronoun.
i. Personal Pronoun:

A personal pronoun is used instead of a person. Such as I, you, he, she, we, they and who.

When a personal pronoun is the subject of a verb, it is called Subjective Pronoun (I, we, he, she, they, and you).
E.g. I love this book.

When a personal pronoun is not a subject and acts as the object, then it is called Objective Pronoun (me, you, her, him, it, us, them and whom).
E.g. Give it to him.

ii. Possessive Pronoun:

A Possessive Pronoun shows ownership of something. Such as his, hers, its, mine, yours, ours, and theirs.

- This pen is mine.
- Yours one is not real.
- Take hers from the room.

iii. Reflexive Pronoun:

Reflexive Pronoun refers back to the subject in the sentence. They are myself, himself, herself, ourselves, themselves, yourselves and itself.

- I ask myself when I take a decision.
- He spoke to himself.
- We learn about ourselves everyday.

iv. Intensive Pronoun:

An Intensive Pronoun is used for emphasis. Intensive pronouns are myself, himself, herself, yourself, itself, yourselves, ourselves and themselves.

- I myself have done the job.
- The president himself visited the area.
- He himself can’t do it.

v. Indefinite Pronoun:

An Indefinite Pronoun refers to an indefinite or non-specific person or thing. Indefinite pronouns are any, anything, some, someone, somebody, everybody, everything, everyone, nobody, none, one, several, some, few, many and each.

An Indefinite pronoun may look like an indefinite adjective, but it is used differently in sentences by taking the place of a noun.

- All people gathered here for the same purpose.
- Does anyone know anything about the matter?
- Anybody can play the game easily.
- None but the brave deserves the fair.
- Each must do his best.
- One must do one’s duty.

vi. Demonstrative Pronoun:

A Demonstrative Pronoun particularly point out a noun. This, these, that and those are demonstrative pronouns to point out a noun.

A Demonstrative pronoun stands alone but a demonstrative adjective qualifies a noun.

- You can smell that from here.
- This smells good.
- Those were bad days.
- Look at that.
- Would you deliver this?

vii. Relative Pronoun:

A Relative Pronoun is a pronoun that introduces or links one phrase or clause to another in the sentence.
Relative Pronoun are that, who, whom, where, when, whoever, whichever and whomever.

- The person who called me is my uncle.
- I know where I am going.
- The pen which I lost was red.
- You should buy the book that you need for the course.
- Rabindranath Tagore is a poet who wrote the National Anthem.

Who and whom refer only to people.
Which refers to things, qualities and ideas.
That and whose refer to people, qualities, things and ideas.

viii. Interrogative Pronoun:

An Interrogative Pronoun is used to ask question. It helps to ask about something.

Interrogative Pronouns are who, which, what, whom, whose; as well as whoever, whomever, whichever and whatever.

It is used in the beginning of the sentence.

Who and whom refer to person.
What refers to thing.
Which refers to person or thing and whose refers to person as possessive.

- What’s happened?
- What do you expect from me?
- Who designed this website?
- Whose mobile is this?
- Whatever did you want?

ix. Reciprocal Pronoun:

A Reciprocal Pronoun refers the relations between two or more persons or things. Each other and one another are Reciprocal Pronouns.

We use Reciprocal Pronouns when there are two or more persons or things doing the same thing.

- Rimi and Raju like each other.
- Why don’t we believe each other?
- They do not tolerate each other.
- We should help one another.