Conversation English

Conversation English

# Way to Say food tastes good
1) It's tasty.
2) It's yummy!
3) It's delish!
4) It's delicious!
5) It's luscious!
# Ways to say you don't want more food
1) I'm full
2) I've had plenty.
3) I've had enough.
4) I couldn't eat another thing.
5) I'm stuffed.
# Way to offer help
1) Is there anything I can do?
2) Can i give you a hand?
3) Give me a shout if you need anything.
4) Let me help you with this.
# Way to talk about Price
1) It cost a fortune.
2) It cost an arm and a leg
3) That's a rip-off. (overpriced)
4) I can't afford it.
5) That's a bit pricey.
6) That's quite reasonable
7) It's 50% off.
8) That's a good deal.
9) It was a real bargain.
10) It was dirt cheap. ( extremely inexpensive)
# Informal ways to tell people not be lazy
1) Don't be so lazy
2) Get off your backside
3) Don't waste the day.
4) Don't be such a couch potato.
# Different ways to say "I miss you!"
1) I can't stop thinking about you
2) I wish you were here
3) I can't wait to see you again
4) I'm counting down the days
5) When will I see you again?
6) I'm counting the days until I see you again
7) I hope I see you again soon
8) Your picture makes me smile
9) I feel sad without you
10) I think of you night and day
11) All I do is think of you
12) I was thinking about you and it made me smile
# Ways to say 'hurry up'
1) Get a move on
2) Get cracking.
3) Chop-chop!
4) Shake a leg!
# Ways to say you are studying or working overnight
1) I'm burning the midnight oil.
2) I'll have to pull an all-nighter.
3) I'm working till the small hours.
4) I'm working the graveyard shift.
# Ways to say 'great view'
1) It's awe-inspiring!
2) It take my breath away.
3) It' jaw-dropping
4) It's out of this world.
5) It's like a picture-postcard.
# Ways to say you don't feel well.
1) I'm unwell.
2) I feel lousy.
3) I feel sick.
4) I'm under the weather.
5) I'm the worse of wear.
# Ways to say you're very tired.
1) I'm knackered.
2) I'm exhausted.
3) I'm worn out.
4) I'm on my last legs.
5) I'm spent.
# Ways to say you don't know something.
1) I have no idea.
2) I haven't the faintest idea.
3) I haven't the foggiest idea.
4) Your guess is as good as mine.
5) I haven't got a clue.
# Ways to ask "Have we met before?".
1) I think we've met before.
2) I know you from somewhere.
3) You look like someone I know.
4) You seem familiar.
5) Your name rings a bell.
6) I'm sure we've met previously
7) Where do I know you from?
8) Is this the first time we've met?
# Ways to ask someone to wait.
1) Hold on a minute.
2) Hang on a minute.
3) Bear with me.
4) Let me think about it.
5) No need to hurry.
# Ways to wish someone good luck.
1) Fingers crossed!
2) Best of luck!
3) You'll do great!
4) Knock them dead!
5) Blow them away!
# Ways to say "I don't like it".
1) I am not into it.
2) I am not keen on it.
3) I am not fond of it.
4) I am not crazy about it.
5) I am not passionate about it.
6) I am not mad about it.
7) That's not for me.
8) I am not a big fan of it.
9) I don't fancy it.
10) I disklike it.