
# Words having similar meanings are called Synonyms.

AccentuateEmphasize, Stress
AdeptSkilled, Able, Expert
AffrontInsult, Offend, Encounter
AllayEase, Alleviate, Reduce, Quell
AllureAttraction, Charm, Charisma
AmphitheaterPit, Coliseum
AnimationEbullience, Vitality
AnnihilateDestroy, Exterminate
AnnulRescind, Invalidate, Revoke
AnonymousUnnamed, Unknown
ApexPeak, Summit, Apogee, Point
AppallingFrightful, Repulsive
AppropriationAllotment, Seizure
ArdorFervor, Zeal, Lust, Passion
ArtisanCreator, Virtuoso, Artist
AssessAppraise, Value, Judge, Weigh
AtrociousHorrible, Cruel, Savage
AuditoryHeard, Aural, Audible
AutomationComputerization, Mechanization, Cybernetics
AxiomSelf-evident truth, Maxim, Adage, Platitude

BaneCurse, Plague, Scourge, Evil
BaubleTrinket, Ornament, Toy
Bedlam,Madhouse, Clamor, Chaos
BefallHappen, Occur, Come to pass
BelatedLate, Overdue, Remiss
BelieMislead, Deceive, Repudiate, Gainsay, Disagree
BenefactorHelper, Patron, Protector
BenevolentAltruistic, Philanthropic,
BereavedDispossessed, Bereft
BetrothEngage, Espouse, Affiance
BevelAngle, Cant, Tool, Miter
BevyFlock, Gaggle, Pride, Swarm
BlandInsipid, Balmy, Amiable, Suave
BogusForged, Spurious, Phony, False
BoisterousNoisy, Clamorous, Rowdy
BolsterReinforce, Support, Sustain
BrandishWave, Flourish, Threaten
ButtressProp, Support, Bolster, Brace

CallousHard, Obdurate, Apathetic, Obtuse, Indifferent, Torpid
CancellationAnnulment, Abrogation
CanineDog, Cur, Hound, Pooch
CapillaryBlood vessel, Vein, Tube
CarnivorousPredatory, Rapacious
CaterSupply, Furnish, Procure
ChagrinTrauma, Mishap, Calamity
ChronicHabitual, Inveterate, Perpetual
ClienteleCustomers, Constituency
ColleagueCoworker, Peer, Associate
CollegiateScholastic, Erudite
CommunicableContagious, Infectious
ComparativeSimilar, Parallel, Analogous, Near, Matching
CompileCollect, Amass, Cull
ComplementSupplement, Aggregate, Full measure, Troupe, Complete
ComponentComposing, Intrinsic, Part
CompulsionUrgency, Obsession
ConceptTheory, Notion, Belief
ConclusiveDefinitive, Decisive, Absolute, Irrefutable, Ultimate
ConfoundConfuse, Perplex, Baffle
ConsolidateCombine, Blend, Fortify
ConsultantGuide, Advisor, Guru
ContemptibleIgnoble, Base, Vile
ContrabandIllicit, Smuggling
ConvalescentRecuperating, Healing
ConveyanceTransport, Vehicle
ConvulsionParoxysm, Commotion
CosmicVast, Universal, Empyrean
CourierHerald, Messenger, Runner
CredentialsDocuments, Papers, Vouchers
CreditorCollector, Consignee
CrucialAcute, Intense, Fierce
CryptTomb, Sepulcher, Vault
CrypticAmbiguous, Enigmatic
CullCollect, Amass, Compile
CumulativeIncreasing, Intensifying
CurtailReduce, Abridge, Blunt
CurvatureBend, Arch, Camber
CynicalMisanthropic, Alienated
DaintyExquisite, choice, rare, refined ; savory, palatable, delicious, toothsome, tasty, epicurean; fastidious, luxurious.
DamageHurt, injury, detriment, loss, mischief, impairment
DangerPeril, risk, hazard, venture, insecurity, liability, jeopardy.
DaringAdventurous, fearless, risky, brave, courageous, dauntless, intrepid, valorous.
DarkBlack, swarthy, opaque, obscure, shadowy, lurid, sunless, murky, cloudy, overcast, ebon, pitchy, secret; mysterious, enigmatical, unintelligible, occult, abstruse; gloomy, disheartening, cheerless, dismal ; ignorant, rude, untaught
DarlingSweetheart, love, pet, favorite, idol, dear.
DashStrike, hurl, cast, throw, drive, send, speed, dart; alloy, adulterate ; suffuse, overspread,
color; disappoint, ruin, frustrate; surprise, abash.
DastardCoward, craven, recreant
DataFacts, basis, grounds, postulates, premises, given conditions.
DaubSmear, plaster, sully, begrime, soil, deface, defile.
DauntTerrify, alarm, intimidate, appal, frighten off, tame.
DauntlessValiant, fearless, intrepid, bold, indomitable, unconquerable, valorous, chivalrous, heroic, brave, daring.
DawnAppear, begin, open; break, grow light, rise.
DazzleDaze, blind; astonish, surprise, overpower, bewilder, confuse.
DeadLifeless, breathless, inanimate; deceased, defunct, departed; dull, cold, frigid, inert, indifferent ; tasteless, insipid, flat; insensible, heavy, unconscious, spiritless, still, torpid.
DeadlyMortal, fatal, destructive, noxious, murderous, malignant, pernicious, baneful, venomous.
DeafHard of hearing; dull, insensible, heedless ; inexorable, averse, disinclined; inaudible.
DealBargain, chaffed, trade, traffic, do business; distribute, allot, divide, share, mete out.
DearCostly, high-priced, expensive, precious; beloved, valued.
DearthLack, want, scarcity, poverty.
DeathDecease, dying, dissolution, departure, exit, expiration.
DebarExclude, bar out, stop, prevent, prohibit, restrain, hinder.
DebaseDegrade, deprave, corrupt, alloy, deteriorate, lower, impair.
DebateDiscussion, dispute, controversy, contention, altercation, contest.
DebatableDubious, doubtful, uncertain, disputable, problematical
DebauchSeduce, corrupt, vitiate, defile.
DebilityInfirmity, weakness, languor, exhaustion, feebleness.
DebtLiability, obligation, default, claim, score.
DebtorBorrower, Mortgagor
DecayCorrupt, putrefy, decompose, rot, spoil, molder, wither, perish.
DeceitFraud, deception, cheating, artifice, imposition, guile.
DeceiveCheat, dupe, delude, beguile, fool, trick, impose upon, disappoint, mislead, circumvent, entrap.
DeceptionCraft, cunning, lying, fraud, hypocrisy, trickery, delusion, duplicity, deceitfulness,
falsehood, prevarication.
DecideDetermine, settle, conclude, close, terminate, end, resolve.
DecipherReveal, explain, unravel, unfold.
DecisionDetermination, conclusion, judgment;
firmness, resolution.
DecisiveConclusive, positive, final, definitive, indisputable.
DeckAdorn, dress, ornament.
Declaim.Recite, speak, debate, harangue.
DeclamationHarangue, effusion, debate, oratory, elocution.
DeclarationAssertion, affirmation, avowal ; publication, proclamation, official announcement.
DeclareAnnounce, publish, advertise, reveal, proclaim.
Decline.Fall, decay, decadence, degeneration ; refusal, rejeotion, repudiation.
Declivity.Fall, slope, descent.
Decoction.Concoction, mixture, mess.
Decompose.Analyze, dissolve, resolve; decay, putrefy, become corrupt.
Decorate.Adorn, embellish, improve.
Decorum.Dignity, order, propriety, seemliness.
DecreaseLessen, diminish, subside, want, dwindle, curtail, retrench, reduce, lower.
DecreeDecision, determination, law, edict, mandate, manifesto
DecrepitWeak, infirm, tottering, aged.
DecryDisparage, detract, depreciate, denounce, abase, traduce.
DedicateDevote, hallow, sanctify, consecrate; address, inscribe; assign, apply, set apart.
DeduceInfer, draw, derive, conclude.
DeedPerformance, act, action, exploit; reality, fact, truth; document, instrument.
DeepProfound; difficult, mysterious, hard, intricate ; penetrating, sagacious, astute, intelligent, discerning, shrewd ;
DefaultNeglect, failure, omission, want, forfeit
DefeatOverthrow, frustration, discomfiture.
DefectFault, flaw, imperfection; omission, want, shortcoming.
DefenseApology, justification, vindication; shelter, shield, protection, guard, resistance, rampart, fortress, safeguard,
DeferDelay, postpone, procrastinate, adjourn, put off; yield to, respect.
Deference.Respect, consideration, esteem, veneration, homage.
Defile.Contaminate, spoil, pollute, vitiate, infect, taint, befoul.
DefinitionDescription, exposition, comment, explanation, interpretation,
rendering, translation.
Deformity.Ugliness, malformation, distortion, disfigurement, abnormity, hideousness.
Defrayment.Payment, settlement, liquidation, discharge.
Defy.Challenge, dare, provoke, scorn, brave.
Degeneracy.Degradation, deterioration, growing worse, decay, decline ; inferiority, meanness.
DegreeGrade, rank, step, station, stage, quality, standing; measure, interval, space.
Dejected.Disheartened, discouraged, depressed, downcast, despondent, gloomy, melancholy, low-spirited.
Delay.Postponement, procrastination
; hindrance, impediment.
Delegate (n)Substitute, proxy, representative, legate, deputy.
Delegate (v)Depute, commission, appoint, empower, constitute, ordain.
DeleteriousDestructive, noxious, deadly, poisonous; hurtful, harmful, injurious, pernicious,
Deliberate,Meditate, ponder, debate, confer, consider, reflect, consult, weigh, cogitate.
Deliberate,Cautious, careful, wary; well-advised, purposed, studied; slow, leisurely;
intentional, earnest, unbiased.
DelicacyDainty, morsel, tidbit, relish; refinement, luxury, nicety, elegance; frailty, weakness ; fastidiousness, scrupulousness; purity, sensibility.
DeliciousDainty, savory, delightful, luscious, exquisite.
DelightJoy, gladness, charm, rapture, transport, satisfaction, pleasure, ecstasy, happiness, enjoyment, bliss.
Delightful.Agreeable, congenial, grateful, pleasant, refreshing, welcome, satisfying, delicious,
acceptable, pleasurable.
Delineate.Describe, figure, represent, sketch, draw, portray, depict, paint.
Delinquent.Offender, culprit, criminal, miscreant, malefactor.
DeliverFree, liberate, release; save, rescue; give, hand over, transfer; yield, grant, resign, surrender; pronounce, declare, speak, discharge, deal.
DelugeInundation, flood, overflow,
rush, cataclysm.
DelusionError, fallacy, illusion, hallucination, trick, snare, fraud, deception, imposture.
DemandRequire, ask, call for, insist, exact, challenge.
DemarcationOutline, sketch, limit, boundary, division, enclosure, separation, distinction.
DemeanBehave, comport, act, conduct one's self.
DemeritFault, delinquency, misdeed, failure.
DemocraticPopular, representative, republican, radical
DemolishOverthrow, destroy, overturn, raze, ruin.
DemonstrationExhibition, exemplification; manifestation, illustration; evidence, proof, certainty
DemoralizeCorrupt, deprave, vitiate, undermine, subvert.
DemureSedate, staid, modest, prudish, discreet.
DenialRefusal; contradiction, negation, disavowal.
DenizenCitizen, subject, inhabitant, dweller, sojourner.
Name, designation, description, appellation, class, sect, school
Brand, defame, stigmatize, decry ; accuse ; menace, threaten ; proscribe, vituperate.
Thick, slow, compact, solid, close, thickset
Censure, arraignment; threat, menace; exposure
Refuse, withhold ; contradict, gainsay ; renounce, abjure, disown.
Leave, go, start, sally, retire, disappear, vanish, bid farewell; die, decease.
Division, section, portion; function, office, duty, station; province, branch, line.
Hanging, resting, contingent, conditioned, relying, subject, relative.
Portray, draw, paint, delineate.
Lamentable, pitiable, sad, mournful, disastrous, calamitous, grievous, distressing, melancholy.
Conduct, carriage, behavior, demeanor, character.
Dethrone, debase, degrade, dismiss, oust, displace.
Regret, disapprove, lament; intercede, expostulate.
Disparage, decry, undervalue, detract, underestimate.
Robbery, pillage, plunder, spoliation, theft, invasion, trespass, havoc, encroachment.
Lowering, degradation, abasement, perversion, depreciation, dejection, discouragement; hollow, valley, decline.
Bereave, rob, divest, strip, despoil, dispossess, depose; prevent, hinder.
Lieutenant, agent, representative,
envoy, legate, substitute, vicegerent, proxy, delegate.
Disorder, confusion, disarrangement; disturbance, discomposure; madness,
lunacy, insanity, mania, delirium,
alienation, aberration.
Scorn, contempt, ridicule, mockery, contumely, scoffing.
Source, origin, genesis, fountain, descent, root, etymology.
Detract, depreciate, disparage, compromise, lessen.
Offspring, posterity, progeny, stock, family, lineage, scion, branch, issue
Trace, draw, portray, mark out, represent, depict, recount, narrate, illustrate, define, explain, characterize.
Perceive, discern, recognize, discover, espy, see, behold, detect, find out.
Profane, pollute, pervert, abuse, secularize, prostitute.
Solitude, wild, wilderness, waste.
Very desirable thing, requisite, want, essential.
Design (v)
Intend, plan, prepare, project, contrive, scheme, purpose, mean, propose; draw, delineate, sketch ; contemplate,
outline, plot.
Specify, particularize; describe, define, denominate, name, call, style, christen, dub ; appoint, allot.
Eligible, expedient, advantageous, beneficial, advisable, valuable, profitable, enviable, proper, judicious.
Appetite, inclination, longing, proclivity, craving, impulse, hankering, coveting, propensity, wish; aspiration, will
Bereaved, comfortless, forlorn, cheerless, lonely, solitary; uninhabited, forsaken, unfrequented, waste, dreary,
Desperation, discouragement, hopelessness, despondency
Expedite, speed, accelerate, quicken, hasten; kill, slay.
Wild, reckless, despondent, hopeless, wretched, forlorn, lost; heroic, extreme,
defiant; precipitate, headlong, frantic.
Contemn, scorn, slight, disdain, spurn
Strip, denude, ravage; rob, plunder, pillage, devastate.
Tyrannical, absolute, imperious, autocratic, arrogant.
Aim, end, object, purpose, design; goal, harbor.
Fate, lot, doom, star, fortune, necessity, end, predestination.
Ruinous, injurious, pernicious, deleterious, baneful, detrimental, hurtful, noxious.
Disuse, non-observance, obsolescence.
Rambling, irregular, capricious, wandering, roving, discursive, cursory, erratic, spasmodic, unsystematic.
Account, narrative, recital; detachment; individual, particular, item, specialty, element, point, component.
Hindrance, retaining, restraint, stopping.
Hinder, discourage, prevent, restrain, withhold, terrify, scare, dishearten, dissuade
Impair, degrade, debase; decline, degenerate
Settle, adjust, decide; ascertain, verify; influence, lead, incline ; resolve.
Abominate, abhor, execrate, loathe, shrink from
Depose, uncrown, drive out of power, cause to abdicate.
Depreciate, disparage, lessen, derogate, calumniate, slander, defame, decry, vilify
Loss, damage, injury, harm, evil, prejudice, disadvantage, impairment, inconvenience.
Evolve, unfold, educe, disclose, unravel, exhibit, expand, enlarge; open, grow, mature
Digress, wander, deflect, veer, diverge; depart, err, stray, swerve ; differ, vary.
Contrivance, invention, design, project, plan, scheme, expedient, resource; wile, artifice, stratagem, evasion, fraud; emblem, symbol, type.
DeviousErratic, wandering, deviating, crooked, circuitous, misleading, treacherous, roundabout.
DevisePlan, design, contrive, imagine, scheme, project, concoct; bequeath, leave.
DevoidVoid, wanting, empty, destitute, vacant, unprovided for.
DevolveTransfer, consign, convey, demise, devise, deliver; impose, place, attach, commission, charge, depute; fall, pass, be transferred.
Dedication, consecration, piety, religion, sanctity, holiness, worship, adoration; attachment, affection, love; ardor, earnestness, zeal, eagerness, self-sacrifice.
DevourConsume, gorge, eat ravenously, swallow ; destroy, annihilate, waste, swallow up, expend.
DexterityAptitude, skill, expertness, readiness, adroitness.
DiademCrown, chaplet, fillet, wreath, tiara, circlet. Diagnosis. Investigation, determination, analysis.
DiagnosticSymptom, feature, sign, cue, indication, mark, index.
DialectLanguage, phraseology, tongue, speech, provincialism, idiom, accent. Dialogue. Conversation between two people, colloquy, discourse, tete-a-tete.
DictateDirect, ordain, command, prescribe, order, bid, require, decree; utter; prompt, suggest, enjoin, instruct.
DictationInjunction, precept, command, rule, maxim, direction, utterance.
DictatorialImperious, imper tive, domineering, arbitrary, absolute, unlimited, authoritative, unrestricted, overbearing.
DictionExpression, language, phrase, phraseology, style, verbiage, vocabulary, wording.
DictionaryLexicon, word-book, glossary, vocabulary.
DieExpire, decease, depart; wither, perish, decay, decline,
DietFood, victuals, nourishment, aliment, nutriment, provision, viands, rations, fare, subsistence
DifferenceContrast, diversity, variation, variety, discrepancy, disagreement, disparity, distinction, divergence, unlikeness.
DifferentiateDiscriminate, individualize, distinguish, particularize, specify, segregate, identify.
DifficultArduous, exhausting, severe, onerous, trying, toilsome, hard, laborious; intricate, involved, obscure, enigmatically; unmanageable, reserved, opposed, unnameable.
DiffidentModest, doubtful, reluctant, hesitating; bashful, timid, shy, self-distrustful.
DigestMethodize, systematize, arrange, classify, codify ; study, ponder, consider, contemplate, meditate, con; master, assimilate.
DignifiedStately, noble, grand, majestic, self-respecting, imposing, decorous, august, lofty, exalted, pompous.
DignifyAdvance, promote, exalt, ennoble, prefer; grace, honor, adorn; elevate, aggrandize.
DigressDeviate, ramble, wander; differ.
Ruin, decay, disintegration, downfall, demolition.
DilateStretch wide, expand, enlarge, widen, distend.
DilatorySlow, loitering, tardy, procrastinating, dawdling, lagging, lingering, sluggish.
DiligenceIndustry, assiduity, activity, perseverance, application, attention, care, heed.
DimObscure, dark, covered, hidden, dusky, indistinct, uncertain.
DimensionMeasurement, bulk, mass, extent
DiminishLessen, reduce, decrease, abate