
Homonym (Homophones)

What is Homonyms in English?
Words that sound same but have different meanings and spellings are called Homonym or Homophones.
Homonym (Confused Words)
a lot (noun)manyaccept (verb)to recognize
allot (verb)to give or share inarbitrary amountsexcept (preposition)excluding

access (noun, verb)means of approaching; to approachaddition (noun)increase
excess(noun, adj.)extraedition (noun)an issue of a book or newspaper
advice (noun)a recommended opinionaffect (verb)to influence
advise (verb)to give advice; informeffect (noun)result
effect (verb)to bring about
all ready (adj.)completely preparedall together (adj.)in a group; in unison
already (adj.)by or before a specified timealtogether(adv.)completely or thoroughly
allude (verb)to refer to something not specifically mentionedascent (noun)the act of climbing
elude (verb)to escape notice or detectionassent (verb)to agree or accept a proposal or opinion
assure (verb)to make certain (assure someone)beside (adj.)next to
ensure (verb)to make certainbesides (adv.)in addition to
insure (verb)to secure life or property in case of loss
bibliography (noun)list of writingscapital (noun)money invested; a town or city where the government sits
biography(noun)a life storycapitol (noun)a government building
choose (verb)to selectcite (verb)to acknowledge; to quote as a reference
chose (verb)the past tense of choosesight (noun)the ability to see; vision
site (noun)a place or location
complement (noun)matchconsul (noun)an official appointed by the government to live in a foreign city
compliment (noun, verb)praise; to give praisecouncil (noun)a group of people called together to provide advice
counsel (noun, verb)advice; to give advice
continual (adj.)taking place in close successioncooperation (noun)assistance; help
continuous (adj.)without break or let upcorporation (noun)type of business organization
decent (adj.)well mannereddesert (noun)arid, sandy region
descent (noun)decline; falldessert (noun)sweet served after a meal
dissent (noun)disagreement
disburse (verb)to paydisinterested (adj.)impartial; no strong opinion either way
disperse (verb)to spread outuninterested (adj.)don't care
elicit (verb)to stir up
envelop (verb)

to surround; to cover completely
illicit (adj.)illegalenvelope (noun)flat paper container for letters or other documents
farther (adv.)beyondflack (noun, verb)press agent (noun); to act as a press agent (verb)
further (adj.)additionalflak (noun)criticism
forth (adv.)forward; onwardhear (verb)to perceive by the ear
fourth (adj.)next in number after the thirdhere (adv.)in this or at this place
hoard (verb)to collect and keepimply (verb)to hint or suggest
horde (noun)a huge crowdinfer (verb)to assume; to deduce
loose (adj.)not restrained; not fastenedloath (adj.)reluctant
lose (verb)to fail to win; to be deprived ofloathe (verb)to feel hatred for
medal (noun)a badge of honorpassed (verb)the past tense of past
meddle (verb)to interferepast (adj.)finished; gone by
metal (noun)a mineral substance
personal (adj.)individualprincipal (adj.)main
personnel (noun)employeesprincipal (noun)person in charge
principle (noun)standard
quiet (adj.)still; calmstationary (adj.)not moving
quite (adv.)very; fairly; positivelystationery (noun)writing paper
quit (verb)to stop; to discontinue
taught (verb)the past tense of teachthan (conj., prep.)in contrast to
taut (adj.)tightthen (adv.)next
their (pronoun)belonging to themto (prep.)in the direction of
there (adv.)in a placetoo (adv.)also; excessively
they'recontraction for they aretwo (adj.)the number after one
weather (noun, verb)atmospheric conditions; to last or ride outwho (pronoun)substitute for he, she, or they
whether (conj.)if it be the case; in either casewhom (pronoun)substitute for him, her, or them
your (pronoun)belonging to you
you'recontraction for you are