1. Write a letter (within 120 words) to the editor of an English daily about the importance of afforestation. (You may use these points: causes rainfall - prevents flood - balances O2 and CO2 − preserves life on earth                                                                                                             

The Editor
The Telegraph
Kolkata − 700001
                                   Subject: The importance of afforestation

Respected Sir,

                    Through the columns of your esteemed daily I would like to ventilate my opinion about the importance of planting more trees.

Unplanned urbanisation and indiscriminate felling of trees have destroyed the green cover of the earth and have made it what it is today − ‘a jungle of concrete’. This has posed a great threat to the environment and to our very existence. Trees play a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance and the way deforestation is going on at present, will have fatal consequences on ecology and the environment. Already we have started to feel the conditions throughout the world, frequent occurrence of natural calamities, changes in the cycle of seasons, global warming, rising pollution − all these are directly or indirectly related to this large scale felling of trees. It is high time that we take up afforestation programmers on a large scale to repair the damage that has already been done.

Therefore, I request you to create awareness among the masses through your editorial column.

                Thanking you.
                                                                                                                            Yours faithfully,
Dated: 14th May, 2020
Place: Hadipur, Railway Gate