Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)(1 Mark)

  1. Once the child went inside a/an – a. birchwood b. sandal wood c. oakwood d. tropical forest

Answer : c. an oakwood

  1. The child was looking for – a. a squirrel b. a stag c. a dove d. a deer

Answer : b. a stag

  1. The woman that the child met was – a. young b. middle aged c. old d. none of these

Answer : c. old

  1. The clothes that the woman was wearing were – a. torn b. colourful c. gorgeous d. stitched

Answer : a. torn

  1. The woman told that she had the child’s ________ in her little bag. – a. ball b. secret c. toys d. books

Answer : b. secret

  1. The word ‘cackle is related to – a. crying b. whistling c. laughing d. listening

Answer : c. laughing

  1. The child came to see that he was surrounded by a tribe who were – a. smiling b. staring c. grinning d. crying

Answer : b. staring

  1. The child found himself tied to a – a. stone wall b. a tree c. a brick wall d. a stake

Answer : d. a stake

  1. The oak-trees introduced themselves to the child as – a. his friends b. the members of his family c. his brothers d. his enemies

Answer : b. the members of his family

  1. Oak-trees are chopped ________ and torn ________. – a. up, down b. off, up c. down, up d. up, off

Answer : c. down, up

  1. ‘You do not blink an eye’, by this, the trees mean – a. human beings are caring b. human beings have weak eyesight c. human beings are indifferent d. human beings frown at everything

Answer : c. human beings are indifferent

  1. Unless the child made a promise then, he would – a. die b. remain tied c. go free d. be detained

Answer : a. die

  1. If the child saw one tree felled, he should plant – a. four trees b. three trees c. two trees d. one tree

Answer : c. two trees

  1. the bark of the oak-tree is – a. white b. black c. green d. brown

Answer : b. black

  1. Unless the child takes care of the trees, the oak bark will – a. trickle over him b. wrinkle over him c. buckle over him d. none of these

Answer : b. wrinkle over him

  1. Oak-trees are the child’s true family but the child never ________ among them. – a. fed b .slept c. grew d. felt

Answer : c. grew

  1. The poem ‘My Own True Family’ has – a. three stanzas b. four stanzas c. five stanzas d. none of these

Answer : c. five stanzas

  1. Each stanza in the ‘My Own True Family has – a. three lines b. four lines c. five lines d. none of these

Answer : a. three lines

  1. The name of the poet of ‘My Own True Family’ is – a. Berton Peterson b. William Cowper c. Lucy Montgomery d. Ted Hughes

Answer : d. Ted Hughes

  1. The theme of the poem ‘My Own True Family’ is – a. importance of family b. importance of trees c. magic d. relation between the old and the young

Answer : b. importance of tree

Short Answer Questions (SAQ)(2 Marks) 

  1. What happened after the child had met the old woman?
  2. What was the main point of argument of the oak-trees?
  3. Where did the child creep in? Why did the child creep in an oakwood?
  4. What did the old woman tell the child?
  5. What strange thing happened when the old woman opened her bag?
  6. How do the human beings behave when an oak-tree is felled?
  7. What did the oak-trees ask the child to swear?
  8. What effect did the dream have on the child?
  9. Where did the child go after he had come out of the Oakwood?
  10. What kind of walk did the child walk?
  11. What was the child’s heart changed into?
  12. How did the oak-trees threaten the child? Why did they do so?
  13. What would happen to the poet if he failed to make the promise?
  14. What is the theme of the poem?
  15. Write a few lines on the title of the poem.

State whether the following statements are True or False. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False. Write words/ phrases/sentences from the text to support answer.(2 Marks) 

  1. The child went into an oakwood walking.
  2. The child went into an oakwood looking for an old woman.
  3. The size of the bag that the woman was carrying was small.
  4. In his dream, the child found himself in a very uncomfortable situation.
  5. Human beings are concerned about the fate of oak-trees.
  6. Human beings treat oak-trees cruelly.
  7. The oak-trees forced the child to swear.
  8. The child was born and brought up among the oak-trees.
  9. The dream didn’t have much impact on the child.
  10. The child felt a closer bonding with the trees.

Fill in the chart with information from the text.(2 Marks)


1.1. The child crept in an oakwood.
2. The old woman began to cackle.2.
3.3. The child came twice awake.
4. The oak-trees are chopped down and torn up.4.
5.5. The child was going to die.
6. The child sees an oak-tree being felled.6.
7.7. The child was back to human company.
8.8. The oak-tree taught a lesson to the child.